Glad you're safe too Billy :)

Science and engineering help to increase the robustness of our infrastructure. Kinda think we're still at the scurrying cockroach end of the spectrum though.

We don't know what scenarios are playing out on other inhabited worlds in the Milky Way, let alone within every other galaxy.

And storms look like nothing too dangerous, just from near Earth orbit.

Individual lives are precious, even if life itself is more robust than anything else in the universe.

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We wonder at the randomness of destruction, anxiously awaiting where the ball will drop on the roulette wheel. What consolation suffices, what words can comfort or explain, when we encounter a distraught neighbor whose home is destroyed while ours, just next door, has minor damage?

Very glad to know you are safe and not homeless.

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And when I compare these images with what Russia's doing to Ukraine, it's even harder to imagine what redemption would look like for a species that *deliberately* inflicts this level of widespread pain, suffering and homelessness on others. In gratitude ...

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No doubt the Afghanis, Iraqis, Libyans and Palestinians would agree.

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Great piece!

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I'm so happy you're safe Billy!

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The only difference between luck and butt-ugly stupid is wind shear, take your pick. But thanks!

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