Thanks Billy and wonderful you refd. Jan Aldrich and Prof. Wendt too.

If hitchhiker type effects were known of very early (from Skinwalkers at the Pentagon this seems to have happened to Kenneth Arnold and the Tic-Tac witness pilots, the book doesn't say who, have had them) then isn't it not surprising there's been a cover-up and secret studies (e.g. the big one at the Battelle Memorial Institute at least in the 1950's)? How was it dealt with in these studies? Were pilots/witnesses back then having HH's? Physical effects? Surely. Maybe SP has been required reading to those forming these new UAP offices at the Pentagon but it's totally mindblowing, so much that no news orgs. have touched it. Did a quick search. Can this crazy data be released officially? - like "My fellow Americans, we have been aware of for decades a phenomenon that sends shadow beings, intelligent lights and fantastic creatures into your homes and neighbourhoods? These are real, dear people, and we cannot stop these occurrences. But we are working on it."

I don't know, maybe some things shouldn't be that well known. It's not that those who must surely know after all this time what's going on are being nasty by hiding stuff, maybe people should be protected just like we all may be kind of "owned" by these others. Maybe new crazy contact cults could arise. Has Alexander Wendt written recently on his fears, wow, I remember his 2008 paper too? Oh, BTW, it was nice the aliens let the James Webb pass by them – they must approve, ha, ha.

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Another potential wrinkle -- retired CIA officer John Ramirez is saying he attended an in-house symposium in which he says analyses of Roswell aliens discovered "DNA that was found in the human genome." So who knows?

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Why are they here? Why are they interested in our and others military capability and nukes? Why, if it's all true, are they grabbing people from their beds and scaring the hell out of them? Why are there hitchhikers and all the other spooky stuff associated with the phenomena? What's the point of some of their actions? If they were truly peaceful, advanced, elevated beings interested in the well-being of humanity why not just reveal themselves and set us on a path to better perfection. The more I hear & read about the spooky stuff leads me to believe that's part of the reason for the cover-up. Those in the know have no clue what they're dealing with. Is it ET? From another dimension (time is a dimension) or something more bizarre. I guess I'm just spouting off here.

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Jan 12, 2022
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Well, it's not like I can argue with those who are friendlier to get off the cosmic couch and do something, can I? If the other self-centered "they" are screwing with us why aren't the friendlies stopping them? Maybe they're trying? Also what do we have that they want? Are they mining actual material from the earth, perhaps even DNA? Not just our DNA mind you, but across the spectrum of mother earth.

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Really? If true, is Earth then jointly owned? Maybe we'll be protected from a "Don't look up" comet-type strike since a shared planet gets protected using their tech? NASA also has it's DART mission, but conventional technology.

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Hi Alan. You might find this interesting:


We see patterns replicated in nature everywhere. Why shouldn't it be so with the evolution of life forms throughout cosmos?

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Thanks Bill, I read Simon Conway-Morris (in your link) Life's Solution when it came out a while back with the convergent evolution he talks of. I think one thing he said was the eye evolved independently many times. But I wonder if the dinosaurs hadn't been wiped out and finally got to classical and quantum mechanics they'd surely be dominant. I read we were mouse-like size and shape at the time, serious! Small and quick they survived. But it's also fascinating we may be sharing DNA with some super clever other beings on Earth. Ancient parallel species who watched us as primitives grow up or others from far away doing inbreeding?

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Hey Alan. Each successive epoch in prehistoric times, through today, is marked by increasing levels of intelligence and adaptability - in every kingdom. We might deduce, therefore, that evolution is principally about the growth of consciousness, while the physical forms evolve in parallel to be vehicles capable of expressing that intelligence.

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That's a great point, then there's consciousness in other non-biological forms. Some UAPs as intelligent energy balls. In the Skinwalker Pentagon book there's Colm Kelleher (biochemist) talks of this. The common denominator could be consciousness as fundamental, maybe space is imbued with it ... then being expressible in many forms, bio, pure energy, spirit, other?

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A terrific piece, Billy. Thanks for all your digging and diligence.

Good grief, must we fight the UFO Agincourt battle repeatedly? "Once more unto the breach..."

I do not share Prof. Wendt's concern about civilizational collapse, as if some type of mass panic or hysteria would compel populations to stop participating in their life's duties.

No, the collapse I expect would be of the status quo - the institutional political, financial, social and religious power structures that have kept humanity oppressed and in thrall for generations.

THAT is the fear of the planetary elites. And THAT, I submit, is the deep, nefarious secret behind the international coverup. Power and control must be preserved.

Mister Myxlplyx? Ha! How about that. Cross my heart I had virtually the same thought after reading the Deputy SecDef memo.

The "Mind Belt" is real.

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I think the collapse of the "status quo" will impact us all. Maybe a good thing in the long run, but short-term chaos. For instance, what happens if the rush for "free" energy makes the petrodollar obsolete?

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I'm going waaay out on a limb here (sorry Shirley) but I think a major international stock exchange crash will occur before any 'free energy' infrastructure is instituted for wide use. It might even be the singularity that devours all the illusions about business-as-usual.

No, the collapse of the status-quo I'm referring to would be instigated by a revolt of populations when they learn that they have been deceived by governments for decades about the true nature and motives of the ET envoys - that they are here on a spiritual mission... of salvage, and to share the wisdom of an advanced civilization in which materialism, competition, aggression, bigotry, hatred, war... were eliminated millennia ago and replaced with their opposites.

So why haven't "they" shown those cards yet? Because unlike Earth humanity they know and work within the divine Laws that govern our existence, especially the Law of Freewill, without which there can be no evolution of consciousness, no growth. They will not force themselves into any relationship, but are awaiting an invitation, while making their presence known continually by displays of their astonishing technology.

What rational, sensible persons would choose to keep the corrupt, unjust, oppressive, destructive institutions we have today (that have brought us to the edge of the precipice) while knowing that a better civilization can be created with advice and guidance from those who have already achieved it.

Nearly all of the 'early contactees' were made aware of this and tried to communicate it to the populations of their day. But the forces of the status-quo thwarted those efforts.

They are still at it today.

(Did you hear something crack?)

(*Of course, only future events and revelations will determine if I am correct or enthusiastically naive.)

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I learned something new about Jan Aldrich. Great article as always Billy. Thanks.

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Luis or someone needs to blow the lid on the cover up and probably violate their NDA. Their cover could be illegalities which may out way the NDA part. The problem maybe that Luis does not know enough to seal the deal. That has always been how these secret programs work.

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Sorry that I'm off topic here...Chris Mellon posted a new blog.. Comments were turned off , probably due to interlopers like Michael Horn, who will sabotage discussions very easily..


The DOD will never consider this recommendation...Elizondo previously publicly stated the obvious regarding the DOD "backing themselves into the corner"before the release of 6-25-21 report... In addition, it's my understanding that Elizondo filed his intention to sue the DOD and is represented by attorney, advocate Danniel Sheehan..

1.Why would the DOD, as a previous employer, and an intelligence agency that requires strict security clearances including N/D/A's, invite back a former employee who is a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the very agency that he resigned from??... and IMO very valid and grounded reasons to leave of his own volition?

2.From the POV of a previous employer, would you welcome back a former employee who resigned and then goes on the lecture circuit, pointing out the obvious about the cover-ups that have been strongly entrenched for over the past 75 years???

3.Would an intelligence agency welcome back someone who would be positioned to learn more about data that he no longer needs to be privy to, w/o violating his prior N/D/A's ?...

4.You don't point out the obvious to an established military agency who doesn't welcome input with information that they don't desire to read or hear..IOW..The ballgame isn't on the level and a large % of the American public fully recognize and understand this

5. This blog by Mellon had to be written to get the attention of congressional members who for the most part are simply self-serving noise makers and vote panderers whose agenda is the enrich themselves while remaining in office.. and its clear that only one rep from CT politely replied back to consider reviewing the contents of the thumb drive

Pretty effin pathetic!!

Am I missing something??

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I was going to say the same thing about the buffoon Michael Horn. You wonder who that guy may be working for.

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Hello. Horn is a fanatical barker for the Billy Meier carnival.

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It's not really off-topic. I actually linked to Mellon's essay in the ninth graph. I don't have the background to address the issues you've raised. However, in other arenas, I've seen political exigencies make strange bedfellows of people and parties who hate each other's guts.

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Like I posted above.......something else may be missing or... "going on"

Perhaps: "We'll bring you back", contingent on you irrevocably dismissing your lawsuit..On second thought>>nah , never gonna happen

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If Mellon is the strategic thinker that Elizondo claims he is, then Mr E's resignation (on the anniversary of Sputnik) was part of a plan, that included Delonge and others. Did Mellon talk Elizondo into committing career suicide; or did Elizondo take a noble and completely independent decision and suffered the expected consequences? (Would 'Unidentified' have never been made if Mr E hadn't resigned? Would TTSA not have been launched?)

Perhaps Chris Mellon is just feeling guilty. Or perhaps he's expressing a perfectly valid point and someone in government should re-employ the apparently unemployed Mr E (especially given that his TTSA safety net fell apart).

Perhaps I'd be a bit more compassionate if there was any evidence that Elizondo did anything as 'director' of his unofficial, unfunded AAWSAP spin-off AATIP.

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