I think this article has both sides of the NASA coin spot on -- the positive and the negative. If I could have asked one question at the NASA news conference, it would have been, "As Marik von Rennenkampff pointed out, why did the independent panel of experts not follow up on Sean Kirkpatrick's comment about global observation of spherical objects? Does this show a lack of curiosity or was there some advance arrangement that limited questions?"

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AARO — what about researching the 9/11 videos?

9/11 UFO video compilation.

Source: Pedro Ramírez, Argentine UFO researcher (Facebook).


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I remember James Fox participating in a recent forum and shot down a skeptic who pointed out a "Bart Simpson" Baloon as the offending culprit in one particular sighting. Fox pointed out that " we know the identity and maker of that phenomena , but we're talking about others that don't have legitimate explanations" ..BTW former astronaut and current AZ Senator, Scott Kelly also used the Bart Simpson incident as well in a public session before entering into a closed door session..So dont count on Kelly for moving the subject going forward as well.His mind was already made up beforehand.

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We knew last year when the Independent Study Team was formed that Kelly and Nadia Drake were ringers on account of their public statements. Wonder how many others were smart enough to keep a muzzle on their beliefs?

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Apropos NASA & UFOs.

UFO Video:

On 21 January 2021, White, Unknown Objects Were Filmed From the International Space Station (ISS).


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Actually, if you enlarge those images, you'll see they're actually pelicans wearing pressure suits due to their altitude.

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To me this all feels like Project Blue Book V2.0. In other words while it may appear to the general public that the DOD and NASA are into the investigation of looking into UAPs and possible being somewhat transparent about it, the real anomalous stuff will still be classified and hidden away. Just like the original Project Blue Book. Both the DOD and NASA needed to somehow take control of the UAP narrative in a way that still hides what they actually know and what they have done in the past. Of course Ver. 2.0 needs to be more sophisticated in how this happens. If NASA's latest conference on this is any indication, they are failing. Reporters and journalist interested in this topic have become far more adept at asking much better and to the point questions where the answers from the spokespersons have to be tap danced around or just not answered at all. Nelson really looked his age and did not do a good job of the tap dancing. This group is not going to hold the water of a broken dam if this kind of act is a representation of what is to come. Just like the SETI radio telescope crowd, NASA has a funding interest in keeping the status quo. Finding non-human intelligence and or tech in earth's proximity or earth itself will most likely upset their apple cart.

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They're flimsy explanations or lack of logical explanations points to your conclusion. My husband's attitude is, surely they understand that they're coming across as insincere and purposely obscuring real research. I suggested to him that there are 2 groups of people--those who are interested, have studied phenomena in depth, (comparatively very few individuals,) and the rest of humanity, the overwhelming majority. NASA's lame approach is meant to deflect attention away from the subject, for the majority. Human beings are a constant source of disappointment to me. The propaganda may be radiating from the powers that be, but the sheer dimwitted lack of interest in the topic on the part of the majority, blows my mind.

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Can't argue the constant source of disappointment, but no clarity on this end. I always thought UFOs wouldn't get congressional attention until they became a pocketbook issue for Joe Sixpack. I've been wrong about pretty much everything.

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That was one of the best comments of the year and points out the obvious regarding alphabet agencies like SETI NASA, AARO etc....Public relations consultants are usually contracted by the " Chief Bureaucrats" of the respective agencies to control the narrative, while ostensibly displaying an interest in getting to the bottom of the mystery.Unfortunately the uninformed public will accept this B.S. as legitimate and on the level, while being unaware of the history of obfuscation by these very agencies.

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Yep, and if you want to be perceived as an honest broker, you've gotta act like one. Not only do you release the name of NASA's UFO guy, you introduce Mark McInerney and let him speak for himself. Epic fail.

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I agree. The U.S. needs a totally independent government UFO study office.

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The issue is really that Congress seems to have lost control over its over sight of DOD SAP programs which some have called unknowledge SAPs. The Dod has not passed an actual audit for some time. Yet the military budget passes every year as no one wants to say they are against the security of the US and many have DOD related projects in their district. This presents a huge problem in getting Congress to actually do their diligence or over siight on investigating UAP related SAP's. . If the Grusch testimony and the Wilson document have any truth in them it leads to the failure of Congress to do its Constitutional duty. Is the public really being played as chumps?

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Lets not forget that AARO (or whatever silly, original acronym it was) was the Pentagon's way of regaining control after the UAP Task Force made a surprising appearance; the task force that included Grusch who went looking for non-human tech reverse-engineering programs - and who came forward because legislation was passed that provided whistleblower protections.

If the people behind the legislation had a plan then it wouldn't have relied on the futile hope that the Pentagon would see the light, or that it would even play fair. The only real game in town is the investigation of Grusch's 'urgent and credible' claims and the testimony of whistleblowers with first hand knowledge.

AARO and NASA won't touch the interesting cases that indicate a non-human presence; cases that scientists like Hynek and McDonald and even the officially funded Condon Committee investigated despite not having UFO-measuring-sticks that NASA seems to require to do anything. Curiosity drives scientific advancement, so why aren't these scientists even curious?

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If Congress gets funding incentives in place, I suspect we'll see curiosity blooming like cow-pie shrooms after a good rain.

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The Pentagon, working with agencies like NASA, are hell bent on keeping this covered up. That's the only transparent fact NASA is offering. It's clear as glass. Nasa is up to its neck in data about craft operated by NHI and they have been for years.

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Before moving forward, NASA could do itself a serious favor by addressing the data it already has. I'm thinking first of STS-75 in 1996, where it lost control of a tethered satellite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AxK_M4Sfg0 Mission control potted up the light gain in order to keep the payload in focus, and in doing so noted the swarming "debris" attending the mission failure, which looked like UFOs and triggered lots of debate. NASA likely has much stronger unknowns in its database, and it has an obligation to educate taxpayers about the problems of identifying anomalies in a literally alien environment. If they want public trust on the UFO front, they need to earn in.

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How can NASA do that when they were/ are reluctant to identify the name of the new task force director, due to stigma?? BTW..Its clear that none of the military or governmental agencies feel an "obligation" to either educate taxpayers or in becomiing more transparent . The Pentagon looks upon Congress with contempt in a similar fashion, with the exception of Rep Turner ( Ohio ) who has a vested interest in keeping the MIC placated The military establishment holds the doctrine that certain laws don't apply to them.The public are regarded as children who don't have a " need to know".Maybe it's time for Senators Gillebrand and Rubio walk the talk, as well.Both have been MIA lately.

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