Having once seen a guy disemboweled by a stileto right in front of me, I can definitively state that seeing UFO's is much more pleasant.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

"If it bleeds it leads, no matter whose blood it is." - W.R.Hearst, 1898

While historians generally categorize this statement as Hearst's strategy to attract more readers for his newspaper, there's a prescient observation contained therein, consciously or not.

Our culture seems to be more attracted to the morbid and horrible rather than the uplifting and/or transcendent. That, according to many historians, is a sign of civilizational decay. It's a form of decadence that creeps in when optimistic aspiration for progress in a culture runs out of gas.

It's a sign of crystallization and sclerosis.

On the same day the madman chewed off the homeless guy's face a hundred heroes in a hundred towns and cities did something to demonstrate and affirm that the heart of most humanity is sound.

The mainstream media are not our friends.

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You're not alone, Billy, in your frustration and demoralisation. We don't have flesh-eating zombies in the UK, but we do have civil service senior management and similarly-minded bureaucrats. This particular brainless species barely functions in a challenge-less environment, and tends to flail helplessly when confronted by anything outside the norm.

Mainly they exist to provide authorisation, rather than leadership and direction; which is the purview of the politicians.

It's the same for any government office, guaranteed; even the ones tasked with checking out the UAP situation.

Earth - interesting place to visit, but you wouldn't want to shake hands with the inhabitants. Technically, we're probably like a protected reserve, that shouldn't be visited, but for those who do then the guidance is simple: minimise contact with the natives and camouflage your presence, but if you are discovered then don't worry, because the Earthlings have no effective response capabilities or any official, post-contact investigative procedures. After 1000's of years of incursions these less-developed bipeds consider themselves to be completely isolated.

The situation might be changing, but I can also guarantee that (almost) everyone involved in pre-2017 UFO/UAP research is currently feeling ignored. The game has been reset and the new players are full of confidence, they know exactly what to do and how to do it. There's absolutely no reason why answers won't be forthcoming... as long as the universe feels like co-operating...

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