Aug 3, 2021Liked by Billy Cox

We can only hope they can't communicate with the animals, plants, or planet. If the plants and animals tell them how humans have treated them and the human disregard for the planet in general it may not be so fun not being the most advanced, top intelligence at all.

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Facts. Swiss Billy Meier of theyfly dot com, has had over 1700 face to face chats, since 1943 with a group of human ets, here on a now completed 35,000 years mission. They have left us with 45,000 pages of data, some still not translated from German. The contacts were conducted in German, that these human ets from the Taurus Const. beyond Star Taygeta, claim was once one of their former languages. Before you scream fraud, note that USAF Intel Lt. Col. W. Stevens and his team failed to debunk Meier after years of research. The investigation is here. ''YouTube. Contact: Billy Meier Documentary (1982)''. For close up UFO/IFO photos taken from only Meters away(!), with a Ricoh camera on Kodak film, here's that analysis by a Maths. Prof. based mainly on reflections of trees and buildings in the 3 rows of highly polished spheres on a high speed et craft landing in Meier's yard for a chat and photo shoot. This ship was on loan from these ets much higher tech friends in our Twin Dal Universe. It gets here in a millionth of a second, over a 500 light years distance. The Dal scientists have discovered channels within a Galaxy where time and space don't exist and designed craft to enter these channels at low speed, and immediately arrive at their destinations. Their own craft take 7 hours, accelerating to light speed, making the 'jump' then slowing. Search. ''Analysis of The Wedding Cake UFO by Rhal Zahi'. Once you get through that data, and would like to move ahead.. here's a lengthy chat between Meier and the et in charge of their Planet, (beyond Star Taygeta), AND our sector.. On his site, search.. ''Conact251''. You may ask why Meier. Here's his initial 'indoctrination' at age 6 by a very old, near 1000 years old human et, (Sfaath). in charge of this mission, and his Planet Erra. Sfaath died a few years later, after handing the Mission over to Asket, a female human et from the Dal Universe. Search. .''A Billy Meier Wiki. The Future of Mankind. Sfaath explanations''. Am I nutter off the meds? Nah, just a Rtd. airline Check Captain, East African Airways, with multiple UFO/IFO sightings.

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I don’t expect much from this newfound openness regarding the abduction aspect. I think that it will be a long time before that will be discussed in Congressional committees, unfortunately.

The nukes issue, otoh, might gain traction, given that we have a lot of evidence to look at, and many credible witnesses to speak to. However, anything to do with nukes is so hush-hush already that, even if the government weren’t antsy about revealing their occasional fiddling by the Saucer People, discussion is hampered by so much obscurity.

That said, with this report to Congress, and all of these military sightings being taken seriously by the Press, Robert Hastings is the guy to talk to right now.

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There are so many theories as to who They are. What I find fascinating is the possibility that they may be homegrown. Perhaps we aren't at the top of the food chain on this planet. I don't buy the break-away civilization theory but maybe something from the deep ocean that was evolving at a rapid pace undisturbed for eons while land based animals evolved. They may know our time here is coming to and end and don't feel the need to be so secretive any more.....

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It's worse than you think - if that's the way you think.

Even if a craft landed by the White House and its occupants claimed to officially represent another world, how could we confirm any claims they made? We'd have no means of distinguishing good intentions from bad over the long term. Acts of apparent hostility could be performed by individuals or by official sanction and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference. How could we retaliate or even identify a valid target?

They could affect our minds remotely or expose our senses directly to extremely strange situations. We'd have virtually no control and no means of telling reality from hallucination.

Kids are taught not to speak to strangers, so there's a general tendency for adults not to engage in conversation with kids (depending on the circumstances).

Welcome to a new normal where everyone on Earth is a minor in a far more complex reality.

(This has probably always been the situation; we're just starting to become of aware of it.)

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"lab-rat treatment at the hands of amoral non-human techno-wizards" Great wording !!

Ya need to go one step at a time for mainstream society to accept that the phenomena is real.... Even Leslie Kean has cautioned her FB audience to be circumspect on the abduction matter

I would have thought that Salas and Hastings would have refrained from incorporating their own personal experiences.. Its not the right time to go there w/o inviting a blowback from the usual skeptical audience who will draw an inference that none of this is real.....Even some of the vets that went on the record to help Hastings in the writing of his book have been discouraged and betrayed...I finished reading a short book entitled the "UFO Briefing Book" authored by a James Plough, a retired attorney, who is well versed in the machinations of government bureaucracy. He states that he has already submitted his book to the members of the congressional committees entasked with moving the UAP issue forward..The only sticking point is that on his web site he states that he has experienced abductions himself.. When congressional aides review his web site it will not go well, and sadly will not be taken seriously by our elected representatives . Other than that, Plough has the right suggestions in how to centralize all data and to consider public policy changes to encourage others to come forward w/o fear of reprisal or repercussion

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People will freak out if such a revelation is made. It'll also become political because the religious folks will label them as demons. The non-religious/atheists won't buy it unless there's absolute proof. I've always suspected the abduction/weirdness factor has kept the official lid tight on the Phenomena because those in the know are scared. It'll turn the world upside down and go to may individual core beliefs. Is there a God? Are humans the product of evolution or are we designed by Them? If so, for what purpose? What is the point of coming down and snatching people up if not only to scare the hell out of them? Is the Trickster card being played now? Maybe a concerted effort will be made to study UAP's but then the UAP's stop their display like the events at Skin Walker Ranch? Great column Billy.

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