Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Apropos UFO/USOs.

Billy, here’s a bona fide UFO/USO video, in my opinion.

To my knowledge, this is the world’s first UFO/USO video (2010).

This video footage was found by an unknown UFO researcher.

The footage comes from the documentary film, “Profit, Pollution and Deception: USA’s Largest Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon.”


Alfred Røsberg

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An instant or two before the sequence you've ID'd, there's another white oval image at about 12 o'clock off the plane. Think the two images are related?

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Yes, I noticed that. It could be another USO.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Billy Cox

First, I don’t think the IAA bill will do much other than scratch the surface of a deep top secret program. Plus, the NYT’s article on a measly $22M for a program demonstrates whatever was investigated isn’t what is really going on. $22M viewed in perspective is a 20 person team sponsored for 5-10 years without any capital costs. Any covert program is going to be in the hundreds of millions or low billions easily. Hell, my company can allocate $50M at a drop of a hat for some silly 3 yr project.

Ok, I’m being cranky - so, I’ll admit it’s a crack in the egg albeit the shell is in my McMuffin.

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PS - since I've upped my calcium intake with that egg shell - I just want to note - of the DoD's nearly $800B budget - approx $70B is black ops, $30B is space force, $65B for National Intelligence and $20B is science and tech. If there's advanced extraterrestrial tech/R&D on UAPs/UFOs somewhere in the DoD - then anything less than $1B spent on ops for that doesn't make sense. (That doesn't include the industrial complex funding)

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Legacy Media are working hand in hand with the Pentagon and the Intelligence Community to suppress this story. Remember "The Missing Times"

That includes Gatehouse/Gannett who fall in lockstep with the NYT, WAPO, etc.. Collectively they have sat on this topic for years because their psychology consultants have determined that the unraveling of the same would cause ontological shock and societal collapse.. not to be confused with the corporate players who sustain their wealth from the profits of fossil fuel.

The lesser players, such as News Nation envision a great opportunity to become the big player to increase viewership. I wouldn't count on Rep Comer who has already stated that he knows nothing about the topic and has (in all probability) already made his mind up. This could be a means to attract more of the electorate to the Republican Party, since its already been established that Biden has no interest in the subject as he continues to simply focus on putting one step in front of another to avoid tripping on sandbags...Remember he turned his back on a reporter who dared to directly broach the subject with him a few years ago. In fact his press secretary, KJP, publicly and condescendingly dismissed a (loopy) member of the press a few weeks ago daring to inquire about David Grusch. Even withstanding a bi-partisan approach, politics always comes into play.

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The fact that they chose the front page of the Sunday NYTimes to suddenly come out of the MSM UFO closet (DE VOID) in December of 2017 was a dead giveaway that this is yet another PsyOp.

The frontrunner of which was the launch of TTSA in September of 2017. Which was packed with current and allegedly "former" intel guys. Then in 2019 the "Unidentified" series comes out starring LE and Mellon. Every episode of which touted a negative threat potential narrative.

As to the Uniparty (Democrats & Republicans). The only reason any of those self-serving clowns pay any attention to the phenomenon is if they think they can gain any points with the voters.

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Sorry Joeschmoe, the notion the media is lock step in cahoots with the government is laughable. I too am a former journalist like Billy. I just can't see the reporters I worked with and competed against all working together to keep the public in the dark on any given issue. The G may put pressures on the publishers (like asking the Sulzbergers not to publish anything about the A-bomb before Hiroshima) but reporters & editors are usual a highly opionioned group of individuals of varying stripes. Like Billy said i's more about money and internet traffic.

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Well, I certainly DO remember "The Missing Times," but the only corporate media environment I'm qualified to address is Gatehouse/Gannett. From my narrow experience, I can tell you that any interest or disinterest in UFOs were all local editorial decisions. The impulse to conduct a national UFO investigation would never have occurred to G/G. I left in April '21 after they killed my blog, but it had nothing to do with content -- it was all about traffic, or lack thereof. If I'd stayed, today I'd be cranking out top-10 best waterfront-cheeseburger joints listicles. And I'd be getting 10 times the amount of hits that I logged with De Void.

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“The Missing Times” is a great book.

Terry Hansen proved that many MSM outlets cooperate with the U.S. government.

As a UFO researcher, I know that the small town newspapers are much better than the legacy media outlets.

My grandmother was a U.S. citizen. Therefore, I am very interested in this issue.

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I hope someone in legacy media pulls their head out of their ass and busts out a story on this subject. Hopefully something which confirms or shoots down the recent crash retrieval allegations. I'm old school and fear if the allegations ARE true and the only media reporting it are NewsMax, Fox and Tucker Carlson half of the country will think it's all bullshit and we'll get nowhere. Why hasn't Gillibrand said anything recently? The issue is being fronted by Republicans, many who are too closely aligned with the MAGA crowd to make this a truly bipartisan issue. Once again, thanks for the excellent writing Billy.

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Actually, she spoke to Wired a couple of weeks ago. And the sharpened language of the IAA bill is coming out of Gillibrand's committee, so she's on it.

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Too bad her comments didn't have MSM legs.....

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