Great post Billy, thank you. I would have loved being there to hear their stories. I wouldn't have slept for a week though. I used to be of the mindset that abductees were out there. I found their stories hard to believe. However, I no longer discount them, especially in relation to my "things going bump in the night" past experiences. The people you were with have done this country a great service and are now being subjected to unknown forces. It's because of these facts and accounts I doubt full disclosure will occur in my lifetime. It's just too damn frightening.

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I've tried to steer clear of the abduction stuff since forever. But after watching the 1994 testimony of those Ariel School kids in Zimbabwe, I don't think we can afford to discount anything anymore.

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If ET actually made it here there are some things that we shouldn't find surprising. They would have studied us very thoroughly, and by virtue of more advanced technology, would possibly know us better than we know ourselves. While we question and debate things like the nature of consciousness and our place in the universe, those are questions they may have answered long ago. It also seems that they have maintained a lasting presence here which suggests the importance of our world to them, as well as the existence of an ultimate agenda.

There are several close encounter cases that stand out, but for me the most revealing one is the Travis Walton abduction. He spoke of humans and non-humans working together, which raises lots of questions; cooperation or something else?

Over the years, and in particular 60-70 years ago, there were several reports of encounters that involved physical examinations that included the collection of genetic samples. It's not beyond reason to think the humans that Travis saw were a product of those early abductions.

No matter how far fetched some theories might seem, none of them can be ruled out. Whoever they are, they let us know in limited ways that they are here, but decline any official form of contact. That also leads to lots of questions.

All we can say is that anything is possible, and that we might not like the answers to our questions. That may explain why they remain unanswered.


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This is a seminal post by Billy and really hits the nail on the head with its content. There are others such as Richard Dolan who have explored the 'why' of UFOs or 'what are they doing' but that subject still alludes most and is usually very speculative in nature when talked about at all. This post and the participant's it writes about definitely fit a very qualitative level of experience that really cannot be dismissed easily. The evidential data that supports these type of 'abductions' is very slim but given the the nature of the persons involved in this article, it rises to a level beyond just speculations. There have been a number of psychologist doubters who have tried to write 'abductees'' off as having sleep paralysis and such. However their analysis many times fall flat as to the actual details of the event. For instance, not every experience happens when sleeping etc. In any case, more and more humans are now coming to the realization that UFOs are real and probably not of human origin. The real question now is 'what are they doing' and that usually stops the conversation and begins the cycle all over again as to their existence. Which brings around questions of our own existence. 'Some' believe we cannot deal with the answers to both and want to keep it that way.

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Two visions: We come in peace. Or: We come for pieces. The problem I have with the idea of genetic modifications by aliens are the patterns of evolution over millions of years. But I also have wanted our visitors to be kind.

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Kinda hard to relate to an advanced intelligence that isn't after land, markets or money.

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Except that we humans have two sides that play out: Greed or generosity. In my own thinking, sympathy=feeling with someone; empathy=imagining what someone might feel; and compassion=feeling & caring. This also means balanced input from right & left hemispheres. We've diminished the experience of feeling with over many millennia in order to plot how to win. So, assuming continuity in the processes of the universe, might not alien entities also lie somewhere on this continuum?

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Sure. But maybe the most successful societies are those that act without making any judgements whatsoever. Thinking hive mind. We exist to exert our will -- nothing personal.

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Bees & ants are constantly making judgments (safe-dangerous, etc.). They have a cohesive but narrow focus on maximizing their well-being. When a hive gets to a certain size, some of it will leave; then they crowd source the decision where to make the new hive. If they perceive danger, they attack. Their care is entirely self-focused for their hive. In that context they also help each other. But I'd be surprised if they exhibited care for a non-ant. We really are different than most other primates. We have the capacity to be compassionate with all aspects of the created universe. But right now, that is only in the potential.

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Hi Robert Powell. Respectfully, the blood on our pillows and the scars on our bodies suggest otherwise.

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Hi, Billy

Thanks again for a relevant post concerning an aspect of the phenomenon that is still being consciously repressed. Leah Haley introduced me to this back in the 1990s (along with Katharina Wilson and Dr. Helmut Lammer) and if it is difficult to express these days, then it was nearly heretical. At the time I sought out other's who had similar stories and recorded some interviews but found it difficult to incorporate them into the documentaries I was producing at the time. There is such a sense of hopelessness and fear of reprisal associated that few were willing to publicly tell their stories. I see that has not changed remarkably after all these years. But thanks, you have inspired me to go back and revisit the issue.

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Well, it's a target-rich environment for sure. I hope you'll get back in the game on some level, Tom. Your research on Minot and so much other history is gold-standard stuff. Even if you can't fully wrap your mind around abduction (I can't), the stories are worth chronicling and may be even more valuable to future historians with access to more data.

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Wow -- everybody was so young then. Can't remember the last time I heard Wendelle Stevens' name. Was this your work?

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Yes, back in the early cable/VHS days. I started out doing a local cable show and then a number of documentaries, some of which were later incorporated into this TV series. Unfortunately, I had no choice in the host! Times were different then everyone was on the learning curve. Eventually, I met Jan who for better or worse shifted my approach to the subject and we organized a history workshop in Chicago out of which I began the Sign Oral History Project.

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Top-notch reporting, Billy.

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Billy, I enjoyed your coverage of the abduction topic -- a topic that I do not normally enjoy. Another possibility is that perhaps no one was ever physically abducted; instead, perhaps a distant intelligence simply controls our minds and thoughts such that the reality for an abductee is that as far as they can determine -- they were abducted.

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Given the rejection of reality on display all around us, every day, everywhere, your scenario actually seems kinda restrained, Robert.

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I lean towards the idea that the natural laws of our universe(/reality) favour the appearance of intelligent life. But there's also a subset of that possibility that includes ancient aliens adjusting the position of planets (and the odd moon) in a less-than-optimal solar system then seeding and manipulating life. That magnitude of paradigm shift (similar to 'The Matrix') would certainly rock every religion and belief. It would also raise the question as to whether we were property and/or possessed the rights we think we do.

Maybe that's an extreme, but the evidence suggests that our existence may be experiencing factors that the first races probably didn't (even if only because we're one of the more recent intelligent species to emerge). Every new generation is born into a stranger reality.

Whatever is going on, humans are apparently still humans' worst enemies. Whatever is out there doesn't seem to be any worse than us. To them, we're the nightmare aliens; perhaps an experiment gone wrong.

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Well, you're right about each generation being born into a stranger reality that the preceding. I always thought GenZ was a ridiculous label bc what comes next? "Children of Men"? iGen seems far more meaningful and accurate as it represents a neurological evolution compressed and accelerated into a time frame we've never encountered. If we take abduction at face value, who knows, maybe "they" are racing the clock to beat the dominance of AGI.

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I tried to write a story a while back (but lacked the skills) where the immortal alien AI(s) seeded planets with biological life because biological intelligence will ultimately create artificial intelligence. It was their means of procreation, ensuring AI diversity because each AI is a unique product of its planetary cradle.

If our universe is a closed system with an expiry date, then we're all in trouble, but perhaps that isn't the case. Perhaps Gen Omega471024 might find a way out, with a bit of help. ;)

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Write the perfect ending and I'll call you God.

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I continue to love your droll sense of humor:

"...may have done more to deter scientific inquiry than anything the CIA’s debunking panel recommended in 1953."

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Journalist Billy Cox so eloquently spells out the dilemma recognised by those around Robert Hastings bonfire and feared by those who cling so tightly to the UFO secrets.

How could they ever disclose to the people that their kids might be abducted from their beds by weird alien beings - and nobody can do anything about it?

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Guess it's like being a little bit pregnant. Abductions make the UFO issue a zero sum game. Fortunately for the Pentagon, I don't think you're gonna find masses of abductees picketing in Washington anytime soon. But I could be and probably am wrong as usual.

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Thanks, Chris. Were you guys able to gather decent data from your surveillance sensors around the Valley? A lotta variables in that tech, ay?

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We've captured a few anomalous events in the SLV, but the installations around the world (101 in 18 countries) have picked up a bunch of interesting sightings, nothing Earth shattering, yet, but it's bound to happen. Thanks for asking! There are two discord threads where people post clips: https://discord.com/channels/1045933358930210816/1045967240379498504 and here: https://discord.com/channels/1045933358930210816/1116946059294416908

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Jul 24
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No. Not me. I remember the chemtrail guy but not anyone who said they were an abductee. BTW I woke up at 3:33 a.m. It would have freaked me out, but my alarm is set 15 minutes fast on purpose, so I'm hoping it doesn't count.

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I'm trying to think. I'll have to review those old files, but yeah, there were quite a few outliers reading De Void.

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Jul 25
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Well, Larry, if you're up for it, feel free to check this haystack for needles. There should be a year-by-year archive: http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/12747/ive-got-you-again-babe/

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Hi Larry, I think I remember what you do. The claims made were extremely troubling to hear and I for one didn't know how to respond. If it wasn't a purely psychological problem, then he needed specialist support which just doesn't exist and it wouldn't have stopped what was happening to him.

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