Billy, someone should use FOIA to obtain documents and information from the U.S. DoD and the CIA pertaining to the 2007 Romanian Air Force fighter jet/UFO crash.

I bet both the DoD and CIA have investigated this case.


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Wow. That looks interesting and I've never heard of it. Wish I spoke Romanian.

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It’s very likely that the Romanian Air Force found metal traces from the unknown object.

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Me, too.

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"Dozens Of Government UFO Whistleblowers Have Given Testimony To Congress, Pentagon, And Inspectors General, Say Sources"


"But at least 30 other whistleblowers working for the federal government or government contractors have given testimony, or a “protected disclosure,” to the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG), the Defense Department Inspector General (DOD IG), or to Congress over the last several months, according to multiple sources interviewed by Public."

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Billy, many months ago, I saved a National Reconnaissance Office promo video.

A short segment shows a computer screen that shows live (probably) satellite video footage.

The satellite video camera films a white, spherical object which flies in one direction before making an instant right angle turn to the right (see video and images).


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A little blurry there, Alfred.

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Blurry, yes, but the satellite camera tracks an object.

I’ve added a slow motion, and back and forth video which shows the object more clearly.

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Bottom line: The U.S. government is hiding bona fide UFO evidence.

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Sadly what we don't know about events and the fact that the powers that be hide stuff is what lays the ground for people to support dangerous people like Trump. I'm cautiously optimistic. WOKE may be dead in FL but there's been a awakening. Multiple groups have emerged, ChooseDemocracy, FloridiansForDemocracy, CATA. What we need is a MLK, John Lewis or Bayard Rustin "to herd the cats." BTW James Douglass's "JFK Unspeakable" is fascinating. Also re/9/11 Engineers and Architects for Truth a good source. They don't ask who are why just how.

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No mention of Malcolm X?!


I knew John Lewis. He was a very nice guy who never realized that he was nothing more than a "political football" to the vast majority of his fellow Democrats in Congress.

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Couldn't think of every one. I'll pull the "old" card. HIt 90 this year and it hit me back! I envy you having known John Lewis. I always felt he was underappreciated. He was the closest thing to a saint in my opinion.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Billy Cox

He was my Congressman, and I wrote him a letter in the mid 90's that was very critical of the way he had voted on a bill. In the letter I explained in detail why I disagreed with him.

To my amazement he called me about 2 weeks after I'd sent him the letter to discuss our disagreement. We talked for about 20 minutes, and ended up agreeing to disagree. But he was a perfect gentleman.

As it turned out we both shopped at the same grocery store and we'd run into each other on occasion over the years and exchange pleasantries.

He was a very genuine person.

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Thank you so much for sharing that. I had just finished reading his biography the week he died. I truly mourned him although I never really knew him. It saddens me so when I see the character, or lack thereof, of those who seek office today.

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You're welcome.

As it turned out, the last time I ever saw him was shortly after his wife passed away, and I gave him my sincere condolences over his loss.

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JFK's nephew really is still alive and he says the CIA killed his Uncle.

And the chances of that ever being confirmed are as good as the chances that "all protected federal UFO documents" will ever be made public.

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Landis, like all SS agents that day, did write an extensive account of what he saw and heard on Nov. 22nd. It's true that he was not called to testify before the Warren Commission (WC) but, nonetheless, that Treasury Department account was filed with the WC and appears in their official proceedings. Interestingly, it says absolutely nothing about any recovered whole bullet or the placing of a bullet on any stretcher. The link to the Landis report is here:


Dom Armentano

Vero Beach, Fl. 32967

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Good to hear from you, Dom. That's a chilling read. Landis' account looks very thorough. So he's either fabricating or he choked. Either way, if I were on the WC and wanted to leave no stone unturned, I think I'd want to personally meet with and directly question anyone in reasonable proximity to the murder. But then, I'm just some guy who blogs about UFOs.

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Right, Billy, that's what YOU would do because you are a reasonable guy and want to get to the truth. But that's not necessarily what the individuals who sat on the WC were...although some of the staff attorneys were solid. Similar to the Condon Report decades ago. Some reasonable staff investigations but insider Condon (in his Report) obscures some key findings and the national security implications of the entire phenomenon.

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The JFK coverup managers probably learned some things from the guys running the UFO shop. As you note, the idea of a review board for UFO info similar to the JFK assassination panel is just a sop. Limited hangout is part of the coverup toolkit and works well at keeping the hounds at bay.

BTW, Landis was on the running board of the SS limo behind JFK's Lincoln (another odd coincidence in the Lincoln-Kennedy mashup) when they reached Dealey Plaza.

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You are correct, sir. Will adjust. Thanks!

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