Good times!

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Being a Brit I didn't know anything about Burchett and I found a short interview of his on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pLIiUv-p8k

Interesting that he says he knows more, but can't say; which suggests a briefing including some classified material. Yet he states unequivocally that there's been a cover-up by the DoD. But he also believes there's zero to no chance of the truth coming out.

YouTube followed on with this interview with Chris Mellon from last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8a_wKO-uVs

Saying it's all about the security implications and gathering data. But if security is the final word then there really is zero to no chance of the public learning anything significant.

Is there any truth to Mr Elizondo's claim that Garry Reid stovepiped his UFO data, *after* failed attempts to talk to Mattis? Elizondo's 'portfolio' must have been assigned to him by someone else, someone who has never been identified (as far as I'm aware). Surely that individual kept AATIP reports and copies of emails, all of which could be FOIA'd, even if it was in redacted form. AATIP was supposed to have been active after Elizondo left, so one would expect its 5 years worth of records to exist somewhere.

Doesn't the public deserve the smallest of peeks, given that we're not going to see anything significant from the short-lived UAPTF or the DoD's AOIMSG?

How does Chris Mellon square his past association with TTSA and it's objective of educating the public, against the apparent necessity of keeping UAP data secret? Is he for public disclosure, or military security with government oversight?

What would a politician's duty be if (theoretically) confronted with classified information showing an object from space landing on Earth and returning to space? Could they say 'there is irrefutable evidence of a technology doing such and such', thereby not compromising sources or methods? Have we heard that yet? Or would the duty of any government be to keep that information from other governments (and therefore its own citizens as well)?

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Good questions all. But Elizondo and Mellon haven't come this far just to say "Sorry, folks, we need to keep everything secret."

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Elizondo is the most cautious individual. He and Mellon are aware that there are valid reasons for keeping certain secrets...

Individuals involved with USAPs (I think I'm quoting the correct type) are required to lie about its existence because foreign awareness of its existence would pose a threat to national security... and if there is a UFO USAP then Davis and Elizondo have already indicated that it exists.

Yet Davis won't formally acknowledge that he was the author of the Wilson docs and Elizondo clams up when pressed about crash retrievals. There seems to be a bit of schizophrenia here... They've basically outed a UFO USAP, which could be deemed treasonous; except that prosecuting them would be confirmation that the USAP was real - unless it isn't real, so there's no need for a prosecution.

Amateur investigators have been searching for irrefutable evidence of non-human tech since at least the 40's. We all know that the military has the type of sensors and platforms (naval vessels and aircraft) required to potentially provide that evidence, but because it's military the raw data are almost always going to be classified.

Will the public be provided with the evidence, or just statements along the lines of "the evidence is inconclusive"? (N.b. the '5 observables' are a term used by the AAWSAP Nimitz report and may not represent official DoD terminology - in the same way that Elizondo's directorship of his spin-off AATIP is not officially recognised by the DoD.)

Are Elizondo & Davis, and possibly Mellon, of the opinion that a UFO USAP is not ultimately in the best interests of the U.S. (or humanity in general)? Is part of their effort to push Congress and the Executive into revealing the existence of a UFO USAP, if such exists?

What is their goal: ensuring that the military take a potential threat seriously, or forcing a profound fact (if true) to become public knowledge?

If the latter, then do they have the right to challenge the decision of their 'betters'? Or do they believe that the system has been corrupted?

Meanwhile Mellon just says the military needs to investigate and Elizondo now claims his boss ate his homework. I know there's a truth in there somewhere, but the public are no nearer an official answer than they were 70 years ago.

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I used to think the DOD's reluctance to possibly expose the latest sensor & data gathering technologies was a plausible explanation for the secrecy and classifications. But not anymore. From what I've been reading the Russians and possibly Chinese have parity in that department. They know what we can detect, and likely have similar systems. So, "methods and sources" protection is facetious.

I'm thinking that the deeper we drill down toward the ultimate reasons for decades of secrecy the more we shall uncover psychological rather than 'security' causes; mainly fear.

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I also think it's possible that a lot of the secrecy is simply standard protocol being enacted by mindless bureaucratic drones (speaking as one myself). The vast majority of any government is made up of people just following the current rules, with minimal knowledge of the underlying policies or original intent.

If there is a cover-up then we still don't know how widespread it is - or how many of those people are potentially acting out of fear of exposure. Were they following some secret executive order that is still in effect or a rogue element working the system or something between the two?

The DoD doesn't seem to be acknowledging Elizondo's role (whatever it actually was), nor is it fessing up to the existence of the Skinwalker aspect of AAWSAP, where the guards were apparently paid by directly by the NSA, which also provided the AAWSAP funds to BAASS (if I understand correctly). Is that particular obfuscation official DoD policy, a Pentagon face-saving exercise, or something else?

Who grabbed the Nimitz radar data? Will they share (or are they sharing it) with AOIMSG? Is Congress following up on that?

Meanwhile the mainstream media can barely comprehend the idea of unidentified phenomena and its obvious relevance to safety and security. Members of Congress probably mirror public opinion on the subject, but no one is drilling down into why Rubio and Gillibrand are the standard bearers for the UAP cause.

There's a wealth of UFO history to be exposed, with even more information as yet undiscovered judging by the content of James Fox's 'The Phenomena'. But are the media investigating or even just looking?

Who knows, perhaps a courageous whistle-blower will appear, driven by a confluence of events.

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I suspect this goes far beyond our own DOD. There's plenty of documentary evidence of historical incidents in other countries.

Your MOD has clamped down on the subject tighter than a lion on a gazelle's throat.

We know from leaked documents that UAP have interfered with Russian nuclear installations as well as ours.

The COMETA report in France established the reality of the phenomenon.

The Chinese are reportedly installing numerous hi-tech sensory stations for detecting UAP.

Putting aside arguments about their legitimacy (please), we had it from some of the 'early contactees' that high level government officials in many countries were contacted by ET envoys in the mid-twentieth century.

So, in a gesture of one-upmanship, why hasn't a government official from any nation stepped forward and blown the lid off this thing? (Especially given the adversarial geopolitical situations today.)

Clearly, there's something about the UFO / UAP / ET phenomenon national governments (and, perhaps more importantly those behind them) agree 'we the people' must not know.

Stephen Dedalus asked: what is the word known to all men.

I ask: what is that secret known to a few men... and who benefits.

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UFO encounters often appear to be acting covertly or elusively (not always), and aspects of the abduction phenomenon seem to be the same. While there are UFO and abduction accounts I'm very sceptical about, there are cases that indicate a reality, again, similar to the UFO phenomenon.

If elements with a government are aware of an abduction reality, then they are probably powerless to stop it. Entities capable of such actions don't require the permission or agreement of a handful of bureaucrats or politicians (who certainly don't have the right to negotiate our human rights away).

If there are numerous ETs visiting Earth, then I'd expect a mixture of exploitation and protection by more advanced entities; like park rangers attempting to protect the local wildlife from poachers. The rangers are more likely to form semi-official relationships with humans in positions of power, than the poachers are, especially if some abductions are for the benefit of humanity.

(This assumes that advanced civilisations contain individuals and groups with varying agendas and morality, the same as us; a natural consequence of intelligence, self awareness, self interest and evolutionary diversity.)

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May 7, 2022
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Elizondo endured a raft of shit just to read scripted lines about a stroll around the block? What "roles" are he and Mellon playing, Larry? And what is Geppetto's real name?

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May 8, 2022
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Well that settles it. I feel like a real idiot now.

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May 8, 2022
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How much were they paid? Have you seen their paychecks? I'm pretty sure Mellon needed the $$.

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They both have security / ND oaths that are still active.

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May 8, 2022
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It's SOP for people who are/were at their level in the military/intel bureaucracy.

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