This is long overdue.

‘Are we the smartest kid on our cosmic block?’ Harvard astronomer launches Galileo Project to examine UFO reports"


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Billy, Can you please communicate with Chris Melon who has maintains his own blog....Unfortunately his recent blog update has been hijacked by one of the "fringe" people... You had the previous means to disrupt their nonsensical input which usually provided them with the out to "pick up their ball and go home"


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Take heart, Joe. If you read through it all the way, some of the commenters at Mellon's blog are shredding the guy. Let's hope he wises up.

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"To date, DoD and the IC have both been relying on a small group known as the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) for gathering and assessing UAP information."

Mellon expects everyone to believe that the entirety of the DoD and the IC have been solely relying on the UAPTF "for gathering and assessing" all information on the phenomenon?!

Come on Chris. You can do better that that.

At least try to pretend like you could be mistaken, and thrown in a "To the best of my knowledge" at the beginning of that sentence.

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Larry, My concern is that Mellon's blog attracted a well known "Kook" who does a disservice to Mellon's credible attempts to bring a more serious discussion to the topic..Another credible participant/writer on here at one time replied back to me that its unfortunate that credible blogs seem to draw in a small fringe of "UFO cult people" Read Mellon's latest blog, updated a few days ago..and draw your own conclusions as to whom I am referring to.. You would, like me ,make every effort to censor or mute the contributor

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Joe. As indicated in my previous reply, I find nothing remotely "credible" about Chris Mellon.

He is nothing but a disinformation agent. The same applies to LE.

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Mercy! That's a serious charge, Larry. What disinfo. are they disseminating and for what purpose?

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Bill, at the risk of being repetitive, this statement by Mellon is complete bullmotherf*ckinsh*t.

"To date, DoD and the IC have both been relying on a small group known as the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) for gathering and assessing UAP information."

That is just a bald-faced lie, and a complete credibility killer coming from a guy who is part of the DoD and the IC.

He's a Mellon for chrissake. Whose water do you think he's carrying?

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Ok. I understand your point. But you might be overlooking the fact that Mellon and Elizondo didn't necessarily have the highest "need to know" security clearance and pay grade. I don't think they did, so they would be out of the loop concerning the ultimate secrets. I also think they deserve credit for coming closer than anyone in gov. service to stating bluntly: "ET is here." To do so would probably violate their NDAs and jeopardize their security clearance, so they come as close as they can to the red line. Just my speculation.

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Yeh, I forgot you stated this in Billy's Sarasota Times blog

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Mellon's analysis is the most cogent and compelling blueprint I've read so far on a path forward. I haven't seen the hijacked version, so I'm not sure how to respond. Am taking a break for a couple of weeks but if anyone's got a better idea I'd damn sure love to hear it.

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Read the posts comments advocating for Billy Meir

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Michael Horn's assertions are just lame inferences. His remarks are, at best, irrelevant distractions.

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And, as such.... bring nothing relevant to the table .. I'm assuming that there are new subscribers to the Mellon blog, unfamiliar with the names or the attempts at distractions ...Its unfortunate that many blogs don't have "mute" options" to minimize exposure to cultists.. Contributors, like this character, may discourage any further attempts for the proprietor of the blog to author new updated blogs.....and that would be a shame

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"No One Knows"?!

"NASA Had a UFO Briefing With a Dept. of Defense Task Force. No One Knows Why"


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NASA is simply another elephant in the room. In fact, there are so many elephants in the room no one has space to move about - which might be exactly what the narrative controllers want.

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It's a really big elephant.

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Could it be that Americans just don't want to believe that the Wall Street plan all along was to use their atomic population reduction technology on you and me? Before he was shot dead did Karl Liebknecht (1871-1919) not give us a right heads up when he informed us that war is not aimed external, rather war is a social tool to subordinate one's own domestic population to exploitation at the hands of the dominant class?

Is it just too hard to believe that Wall Street has already pulled the trigger and pushed the button on you and me? If it wasn't for ET is there an understanding that we would already be gone?

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Patrick, "Wall Street" is a very broad term.

But if you really know how to follow money, you'll find that what most people perceive as Wall Street is nothing more than one of many tools wielded by the psychopathic control freaks that make people like Bezos and Branson look like paupers.

As to Liebknecht. He was just another useful idiot who accidentally stumbled across a pearl.

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Dead proles can't contribute to the widening income disparities.

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"...Which is it? Did it happen, or is it top secret?" What a great line. What a great metaphor for the entire national security UAP sh*t show.

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It is nothing but a "show", with very bad intent.

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Hey Larry. I hope you're well and in good spirit. Seems most of the De Void tribe is here. Except Albert.

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Hey Bill.

Some days are better than others. But I'm sill breathing air and taking up space. The corona canard presented a good opportunity for me to get back into weight training & regular exercise. So, I've been slowly but surely returning to form over the past 15 months.

Albert bagged out back in 2017'ish, if my memory serves me correctly.

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That would be the news conference organized by Robert Hastings. For those interested, Hastings will be on Coast to Coast AM Sunday night with George Knapp. Should be some deep diving into those incidents.

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"maybe all the data in the world can't crack the code"

Whether its life or a planet circling a distant star, everything leaves its mark on the environment and sometimes we are the environment.

The best UFO cases represent the most exceptional interactions which inevitably leave tell-tale disturbances behind; and they *are* the data. These include data that we can and do detect, but they fail to cross the threshold that would trigger a truly proportional response.

Go back to sleep, it's just a dream.

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Someday I hope the U.S. Air Force pays for the way it treated its members who were exposed to the Big Taboo and told to shut-up. I'd like them to explain why they buried their heads in the sand and did nothing to learn what was going on. I know I'm in the minority but I don't believe the USAF worked up too much of sweat to figure out what was going on. They just shipped off whatever to Lockhead, Grumman or Boeing and forgot about it. I think it's interesting how no USAF pilots have the guts to report anything now. Go Navy. As least Navy pilots have brass balls.

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Big difference, Gino.

The Navy pilots had permission.

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Not in the beginning! The USAF guys could have said something too but didn’t!

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Which begs the question of why they were given permission at all.

To be clear. I don't believe for one second that Fravor wasn't cleared from the beginning.

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I don't either

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