Backtrack to the nexus of this operation Kirkpatrick(CIA?)was involved with and his assignment(including this meeting), and you may crack an egg.

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May 18·edited May 18

If everyone in society got the jobs they deserve that best suit their capabilities, Kirkpatrick and Greenstreet would both work at a circus befitting the clowns they are, or better yet to borrow journalist Matt Taibbi's words describing another such clown, professionally "toothbrushing racehorse anuses or duration-testing vanity mirrors." After all, as an old German once said, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"!

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May 16·edited May 16

"Greenstreet is a tenacious journo on a mission. The UAP mystery insults his intelligence."

No way, it's more than this Billy as Greenstreet had his own UFO sighting! Which blew him away. He knows it's all real. Wee Steven's ground literally slipped away from him when Kirkpatrick's photo from 2018 emerged.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWfN8u9YHWc and the same from 2019 which I well remember from the Basement Office episodes before he "changed" and sounded like a normal person ;-)


Why the change?

1. Told to change by his bosses for whatever reason? More hits to the website the more daft you make it?

2. Involved with an official debunking mission, which is obviously going on anyway?

Anything else? Really believes he's right? - ha, ha. Whatever, the guy's a scientific nobody and a background noise at minimum..

Maybe 1 and 2 are linked as there's nobody else doing this with such zealotry. And he hasn't lost it, i.e. gone raving bonkers, he knows what he's doing.

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Your intuition is spot on, since Greenstreet is a self-admitted former US government employed propagandist. Calling him a tenacious journalist is an insult to journalists, whose job is to question propaganda and state narratives rather than repeat them while working for the state. Not that the latter hasn't become the norm outside of independent media, of course.

BTW, his BS about a "UFO religion" is actually an interesting deflection since Grusch implied in an interview with writer and journalist Walter Kirn, without being able to say more than affirm his questions about it, that there is something like a UFO cult within the government that prides itself on being good little initiated mystery cultists who know what the public doesn't. Greenstreet basically confirmed this with his idiotic clownish propaganda, since disinfo ops work through trying to bend what is in part the real truth and mixing fact with fantasy.

Greenstreet is much worse than your average Establishment journalist, since he works directly for intelligence and the deep state bullshit machine, rather than getting his bullshit second hand pre-digested to eat up and spew out like the human centipede most journalists are.


He's a self-admitted former State Department employee who in his words made "propaganda" for the government, while having a secret clearance, and he self-admittedly does not believe any of the bullshit he spews, per the above interview only a couple years old.

He intentionally misrepresents and misreports the truth, such as when he cropped David Grusch's medals out of a photo to leave him in a plain white shirt, as unflattering, unhandsome, and ordinary looking as he could make him, while describing him as "currently a real estate agent." You know, like that guy who's currently a movie producer everyone's heard of, Barack Obama!

His feigned ignorance about what to believe is an act, too, since he believes in UFOs (for lack of better phrasing, as obviously for intelligent people, you don't "believe" or not in something with physical evidence; either you recognise the facts and data representative of reality or you deny them). He believes there is a government cover up, and for all his faux scepticism, he's hilariously probably the best, most obvious and indisputable evidence of its existence.

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Interesting phrasing and analysis! And it's like for Steven it's "thou dost protest too much" sums him up. So much energy and flailing around on the "non-existence" of an alien intelligence on Earth. Why buddy?

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If in fact, SG is a paid govt propagandist, wouldn't the better play have been to ignore Kirkpatrick's flub altogether? Seems to me the avoidance of all ambiguity is part of the strategy.

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Alan, I also remember when Steven was blown away by his sighting before he did a 180 and became a debunker.

It's definitely # 2, and he's obviously getting greased to play the role.

Which is why I asked him if he's "getting paid under the table to play this pseudo-skeptic debunker role".

Note that he never answered that question.

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Thanks for the links. Who'da thunk it? His processing mechanism seems, um, counterintuitive?

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Ha, Ha. While you're here I did link to the paper I mentioned a while back you were interested in coming.


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Isn't it nice to know we're not ALL crazy?

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Sean Kirkpatrick, proven liar!

Brandon Fugal – great work!

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👉🏻 Sean Kirkpatrick, CIA operator 👈🏻

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Billy Cox — the hero we need, and probably don’t deserve. ✊😎

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Another excellent article Billy!

You missed an opportunity to choose a few choice adjectives to describe how SK is starting at

the camera in that pic.

He looks like he's thinking: "What the hell am I doing here?" or "Oh shit, they're taking my photo!"

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I left that up to you. Thanks.

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So there are inaccuracies and errors in this writeup. Not sure if you care though.

I'll list 2:

ARTICLE: He (Greenstreet) describes the $22 million for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP) in 2007 as a “misappropriation of funds.”

WRONG: 2008 not 2007. And that quote about "misappropriation of funds" is from Sean Kirkpatrick, not me. Kirkpatrick has stated this multiple times since retiring.

ARTICLE: “A UFO religion has infiltrated the Pentagon,” Greenstreet declares after getting Kirkpatrick to characterize even receptive DoD colleagues as part of “a religion,”

WRONG: I didn't get Kirkpatrick to characterize it that way. That was quoted on-screen and attributed to an interview with CNN's Peter Bergen, not me. And you cut off the part "So according to the senior leader of the Pentagon’s official UFO office" before "a UFO religion has infiltrated the US government". If you'd added that, your readers would know I was restating Kirkpatrick's claim and not "declaring" that myself.

Anyways... keep the faith, Billy!

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Steven, you've been parroting the "A UFO religion has infiltrated the Pentagon" line in one form or another for quite some time.

So, why are you trying to deflect that over to Peter Bergen?

BTW Steven. Are you getting paid under the table to play this pseudo-skeptic debunker role?

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Nope. That quote is definitely sourced to the Peter Bergen interview (Jan 2024). My first report about it was Feb 2024.

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"UFO "religion" influencing Congress to hunt aliens, says top Pentagon official"

- Steven Greenstreet


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Uh.... re-read the title of that video and look at the date it published.

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But you definitely agree that "A UFO religion has infiltrated the Pentagon", right?

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We can go back and forth all night with this stuff, Steven, but I gotta ask: How did you anticipate SK would react to your question about the 2018 meeting? You knew it was a hot potato and you rightly saved it for last. So, how surprising was it to you that Kirkpatrick doubled down on his insistence he had attended a different meeting? I haven't seen the guy equivocate like that, but then, he's never had anyone confront him with such specific details before. Thoughts?

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"all night"? No, I'm pretty sure you could correct/amend those errors rather quickly.

How did I anticipate he'd react? Well, I was 95% sure he was there before I asked. So I expected him to acknowledge he was there. Which he did.

I did not, however, expect him to say he didn't remember anything about Skinwalker Ranch. I mean, you're in a briefing about a place where demons possess and melt your brain while moderately fucking with your cell phone. Personally, I'd remember such a briefing.

And, more importantly, (as I ask in my report) WTF was Kirkpatrick even doing there? Why him? Weird.

SASC was sketchy as hell about this briefing. Gave me a bullshit runaround statement.

DOD was sketchy as hell about this briefing. Gave me a bullshit boilerplate statement.

No one beyond the Monster Mash crew wants to actually own any of this.

It was a ridiculous briefing about a spooky ghost ranch so maybe that's why.

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"I mean, you're in a briefing about a place [Skinwalker Ranch] where demons possess and melt your brain while moderately fucking with your cell phone. Personally, I'd remember such a briefing."

"It was a ridiculous briefing about a spooky ghost ranch so maybe that's why."

You're either scared of the place from your first statement, i.e. you really know there's some unique intelligence(s) there or your statement's fake. I think you believe the former and it's messing with you. You have a religious background (like most of us) and there's enough weird stuff in religion (like spirits). Not saying what's going on there is religious but something definitely is intelligent and occupies more than the physical. I still hear the term "precognitive sentient intelligence" being used by Brandon Fugal and Erik Bard (and John Alexander coined it way back). Believe me, that messes with me as an idea and I'd hesitate to visit if invited.

Personally, I think there's some weird shit around that's real and we have to accept it. Maybe that's the bottom line. And Kirkpatrick knows it too! He got the full briefing.

Look, AAWSAP gets closed after 2 years 2008-2010 with tons of data given to the DIA, some on SWR ... then there's Kirkpatrick getting a 2018 briefing from the new owner! Someone waits for 2 years after Brandon got the property in 2016 to get an update on how he's up and running ... then someone steals Brandon flash drive on the morning of the briefing. Good for Erik Bard's backup copy. No wonder SK looked unsettled. Folks there who shouldn't have got info. got that info.

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What do you make of Brandon Fugal's allegedly stolen flash drive?

"Confirmed. The flash drive containing the briefing was stolen from my room, which was the presidential suite of the Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C., the morning of the briefing, while locked & attending a quick meeting at my Colliers International D.C. office located nearby."


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Well, he appears to have a better memory than Kirkpatrick.

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Kind of odd the Greenstreet even asked those gotcha type questions. Did he know more before that? In any case, Kirkpatrick's answers seem par for the course nowadays. More 'political speak' than anything else. This episode maybe the end of the line as far as Kirkpatrick's usefulness as the DODs top UFO debunker. If so, who would replace him?

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They've got acting director Tim Phillips, but I don't think it really matters who sits in the chair.

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So, Kirkpatrick got depantsed in public and everyone saw his superman undies! The best part is that it was because he took off his belt, thinking he'd look cooler. BTW, I've enjoyed Skinwalker Ranch for years, now, and I get a real kick out of the odd cast of characters. The one with the most clout for me, Brandon Taylor, sounds like this complete yokel with his Alabama accent ...but he's got a ton of cred: two Ph.D.s, lots of independent work with the gov on space stuff, and his passion seems to run in the blood from his father who had a history with rockets at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.

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How can we ‘trust’ Fugal ? It’s all his game . Let’s hear from those at the meeting ….

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Kirkpatrick and his Pentagon bosses must feel pretty bulletproof when they can go around and claim anything they want, and sometimes get caught red-handed in their lies, while remaining ultimately untouchable. The Denial remains an immovable object, but sometimes it loses a brick or two from The Wall.

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Who else does that remind you of?

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C'mon, Billy. Sauce for goose, sauce for gander. You say Kirkpatrick sat down with a friendly journo. Point taken. Now tell me when/with whom Elizondo, Mellon, Puthoff, Nolan, Stratton, etc., et al., sat down for a no-holds-barred, all-issues-on-the-agenda media interview? Tucker Carlson? Gimme a break ...

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Apples to Oranges, Michael.

BTW, if there's anyone who knows more about the phenomenon at Skinwalker (other than Bigelow), it's Puthoff.

But Hal has no obligation (nor intention) of sitting down with any journalists.

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If "Elizondo, Mellon, Puthoff, Nolan, Stratton, etc., et al." were running America's public UFO program, I'd expect them to "sit down for a no-holds-barred, all-issues-on-the-agenda media interview" as well. Kirkpatrick still hasn't done that.

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Billy, I'm not disputing that "transparency" is lacking on both sides of this topic. No argument there. AARO is a DoD/IC enterprise. Enough said, right? Our expectations have to take that into account. They're going to tell the public only what they decide to tell us, when they decide to tell us. Thus far, as I see it, Congress is allowing them a lot of leeway in that regard.

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May 16Liked by Billy Cox

If the DoD wanted a front man for AARO to make the issue go away then Kirkpatrick would have gone on the shortlist, if he dismissed the subject in 2018 as he did for AARO. No big surprises there.

The bigger mystery is the scale of the forward planning of Chris Mellon and his use of Tom Delonge as a front man. How many people were involved in total? How much spin and hearsay did Elizondo use while promoting the UAP subject? What exactly was the end game? Did it include whistleblower protections?

Both sides seem to be using the methods that work best, waging a mini-war.

As for Congress, Tim Burchett stated on The Unexplained that there are relatively few members of Congress pushing for answers.

Meanwhile, those of us interested in the issue remain mostly in the dark, hoping for answers. All we can do is go back to the data and the intriguing cases that have never been satisfactorily explained away.

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Everything has to start somewhere, but I do wonder why Kirkpatrick was specifically asked to attend that meeting in 2018. Did he just happen to be a random 'objective' scientist that one of the senators knew, or was he a (related) subject matter expert?

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They probably wanted him to reassure them they didn't know what they were talking about.

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