Marik von Rennenkampff has totally exposed Sean Kirkpatrick.

Sean Kirkpatrick is not only a disgusting, incompetent liar. He's also a disgrace to the U.S. government.



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Marik performs a great piece of surgery here.

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Is there any proof that petitions mobilise politicians to do anything? Most staffers probably have standing orders to send out canned responses to all enquiries from the general public.

UAP are no longer completely taboo because everyone now knows that at least a subset involve foreign tech spying on us, but beyond that, it takes a politician with a keen interest to pursue answers to the more unusual mysteries of unidentified phenomena.

I just read Frank Scully's Behind the Flying Saucers from about 1951 and his detailed description of the military, government and media attitudes and reactions at the time are identical to events of recent years. Not just similar, but identical. They had the same mix of cases including the highly credible, highly anomalous incidents with no real answers. Some of these cases are amazing, if one can accept that when a pilot states that he chased a small bright object and couldn't keep up with it, he wasn't engaged in a dogfight with a balloon.

Once you're convinced then the problem balloons, so to speak. How many cases and countries? What does the military know, and which branches? How does military secrecy work?

The most dedicated team of 'insiders' that have attempted to shine a public light on the subject (that we know of) was team Mellon; with undetermined results and the odd credibility issue. They had a plan starting with Tom Delonge as a front man and more-than-likely including the whistleblower protections for real insiders. It was a real effort, apparently exceeding those of NICAP back in the day and possibly a never-to-be-repeated one. Yet Mellon is still calling for the public to mobilise politicians (which just seems naive to me, but then, I'm hoping for a criminal investigation to turn up something which is probably equally naive).

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The media already belongs to them, they will not tell you the truth, it is part of the official world.

They have introduced nanotechnology into all human beings for a very dark purpose. They will never admit it, because they control our civilization.

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It's interesting to compare theories, because we're supposed to dismiss all 'conspiracy theories' out of hand. I've only glimpsed your nanite theory (viruses don't exist and are just an excuse to fill us up with nano-technology) and I still think that Covid was most probably the result of Americans paying Chinese to do gain-of-function experiments on a virus, which escaped from the lab.

The preponderance of evidence / historical research (back to 1892) 'proves' that viruses are real; a very significant body of scientific work, including evidence that viruses have a significant effect upon evolution.

Weighing the available information (it's credibility and implications), is an important part of critical thinking - which biased debunkers seem to believe that ufologists don't employ. Thinkers have to be open to possibilities in order to assess and weigh them. Anything new (and surprising) is going to appear a lower probability outcome in the period before we understand it completely.

In practice, we should really try to rank theories by probability and not completely dismiss any until all the facts are gathered. Some theories are definitely less sound than others.

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It is hard to believe that all countries have agreed to introduce graphene-based nanotechnology to all their citizens. The Russians have agreed with the United States, and with the Chinese, and with the Europeans and with the rest of the world. They never agree on anything and since 2021 they have all agreed to eliminate part of their population.

We have analyzed the vaccines, we have denounced that there is graphene, but no politician in the world has come out to denounce this. What does all this prove? That they really do not run the world.

What I am writing is not theories, I see that you are not informed. It was shown in 2021 that there was graphene in the vaccines, and it has been shown later and by several doctors that there is nothing biological in the vaccines that produces immunity, no virus, no spike, no mRNA, they deceived you. Fortunately they did not deceive everyone.

Now, you can believe in all the theories you want, that is THEIR intention, but science does not believe in theories, science demonstrates with evidence and with the microscope.

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Quite the tour-de-force of unusual theories on your site. I really hope the 10 year prediction is off by a year of two at least.

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I recommend you read all the chapters, starting with #1. Skimming the last one will lead you into errors.

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Science is not based on theories, it is based on proof. You are still not informed.

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Science is based on theories which attempt to explain an observed phenomenon and the proof or otherwise follows. Unfortunately, it's not that simple either because proof isn't proof until it's been verified sufficient times to be accepted by scientists in general.

For instance, you make a claim that graphene oxide was found in Covid vaccines. One such claim was based on the mis-reading of a article where graphene oxide was used on equipment to analyse the vaccine and not in the vaccine itself. However, there have been articles relating to research that graphene may boost the effectiveness of vaccines.

Your site claims that the graphene, from vaccines, self-assembles into a radio transmitter to transmit an ID for each individual - a claim that is technically science fiction (currently). You also claim that graphene in vaccines and food is turning people strongly magnetic, a phenomenon that is not generally accepted by the scientific community.

Taken as a whole, your website's contents don't come across as either credible or even slightly probable, but that's just my opinion (and I believe in aliens).

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Yeah, it's pretty amazing to see how those early accounts sound so contemporary. Seems like everything has evolved -- sensor technology, communications tech, surveillance tech, weapons -- except our ability to confront the elephant head-on. Petitions are just another way of hoping something, anything, sticks to the wall.

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Most politicians need to wake up.

Pols, take a look at this UFO YouTube channel. Many MUFON UFO videos.


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Politicians are part of the problem. Anyone who hasn't realized that politicians work for them will last very little in this new normal.

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When I imagine myself in the spot of guarding our state secrets, I can understand and even accept the resistance to disclosure. If efforts to back-engineer recovered hardware are a thing and have met success, those results would be our adversaries' top priority. Acknowledgment of ET wouldn't be the primary concern IMO.

But then I wonder if there could be any truth to some of the wilder conspiracy theories; of ET walking among us and even infiltrating our governments. Of course that's fringe thinking of the paranoid. But just because you're paranoid...


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They are not infiltrating anything, they control our civilization, it is all a deception, everything we have learned since childhood. Evidence? Under the microscope

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"If efforts to back-engineer recovered hardware are a thing and have met success, those results would be our adversaries' top priority."

I bet those computers are not connected to the Internet.

The U.S. House of Representatives needs a UAP Subcommittee.

And I would like to see all your UFO videos, DoD!

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Yep, I'd like to know it all!

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I do hear that. It's not a place I like to go.

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I'm also reluctant to go there but it's one of the possibilities. Bringing it up turns people off, and nobody wants that, especially if you want to be taken seriously. The Walton case opens that door though. As Walton said, they rescued him and so it wasn't a planned abduction. I believe that they were unprepared, and so Walton came away with observations that others didn't have. Just my take.

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Billy, I wholeheartedly agree!

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Florida. Lots of sunshine and great beaches. Lousy politicians too!

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Don't forget two straight months of a triple-digit heat index.

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The reply from Scott, as you know, was simply of the copy and past variety

BTW did you sign up to get on his email/ regular mailing list for updates?

That's what all politicians ( in both parties) usually do

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I guess I was automatically enrolled when I forwarded the petition . . .

: -/

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Unsubscribe using your eading glasses or a magnifying glass

It's located on the bottom of the page in tiny miniscule font underlined as a link

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Actually, I'm becoming perversely fascinated by my inability to connect with this guy's story on any human level. He's like an algorithm that tottered off the pages of a new Margaret Atwood horror and emerged dripping and fully realized from Big Cypress.

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